Tag: Great-Grandbabies
Ladies that Lunch
Dee Dee and I were excellent lunchers. We were the ladies of leisure who lunched. Babies sometimes cooperated and sometimes were a little more difficult. This was a good day. The artichoke soup was amazing that day.
Red Bull
This is one of my favorite pictures / stories about Dee Dee… June 20, 2015… Denny and I had been staying at Camp Dee Dee for an extra long weekend with Bryan (14) and our 1 yo baby, Evelyn Martha.
We’d been burning the candle at both ends… and in the middle… and on the day before we left, I walked up to see her after I got the baby down and she was drinking a Red Bull… I was shocked.
“Um, Dee Dee… do you understand what you’re drinking? It’s an energy drink.” I said
She replied, “It makes me feel peppy!”
Great! Dee Dee
Dee Dee meeting her first Great-Grandbaby for the first time and finding out that her name is Evelyn Martha 🙂